The Prabhat Road police chowkey has registered seven cheating FIRs against a Noida-based company named Pvt Ltd for swindling people by offering attractive earnings for outsourced data entry jobs. The police said the amount involved in the graft could be around Rs 2 lakh. They have arrested five people including the organiser of the training session.
Company MD Pavan Malhotra said, “I have no idea about the complaints. The company and its selling associates are not on the wrong side of the law.
The associates are allowed to charge nominal fees from participants for every session, which is held to disseminate information.
Although we do not promise any work or earnings to people purchasing the packages, some selling associates have informed me that they were harassed by the police and detained for days.
It’s a possibility that some business rivals are behind all this,” he said. Sub-inspector Anjali Khare said, “These conmen lured victims by releasing advertisements in newspapers and held brief training sessions on the campuses of reputed city institutions.
Most victims might not have taken legal recourse as each of them was made to pay only a meagre amount as training fees.”
Company MD Pavan Malhotra said, “I have no idea about the complaints. The company and its selling associates are not on the wrong side of the law.
The associates are allowed to charge nominal fees from participants for every session, which is held to disseminate information.
Although we do not promise any work or earnings to people purchasing the packages, some selling associates have informed me that they were harassed by the police and detained for days.
It’s a possibility that some business rivals are behind all this,” he said. Sub-inspector Anjali Khare said, “These conmen lured victims by releasing advertisements in newspapers and held brief training sessions on the campuses of reputed city institutions.
Most victims might not have taken legal recourse as each of them was made to pay only a meagre amount as training fees.”
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